Additional Info:
FORD International Fellow
Full-fledged Professor (Professor 5, Nationally accredited by Philippine Association of State universities & Colleges, PASUC)
PASUC-AACCUP Accreditor (generally assigned to accredit the Research Programs of State universities & Colleges)
Teaching research, environmental science, butterfly farming and chemistry-phytochemistry for more than 30 years.
Has been in research for more than 20 years
A. Educational
Graduate School Year conferred
Wageningen University & Master of Science International
Research Centre Development-Rural Sustainable Dev. 2005
Wageningen, The Netherlands
University of the Philippines Diploma: R&D Management 1998
Open University-UP Los Baños
Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines
Undergraduate School
Adamson University Bachelor of Science: Chemistry (5-yr. course)
Manila, Philippines (5-year course) 1982
B. Scholarships and Other Grants Received
2003-2004 International FellowshipMSc. International Development Studies FORD International Fellowships Program-Institute of International Education
809 UN Plaza, 8th floor, New York, NY 10017-3580
Posted in Websites: (also featured
in Phil. Daily Inquirer, Business Monday, 23 June 2007)
1996-1998 ScholarshipDiploma in R&D Management (University of the Philippines Open UniversityUPLB)
Faculty Development Program of Marinduque State College
C. Research Awards Received
06-08 Sept., 2014--Best Research Paper for Applied Research--4th Southern Tagalog Islands Research & Development Consortium (STIRDC) (Paper: Potential of Marinduque Mineral Rocks as Exhaust Gas Cleaner)
22-24 May 2013--The Floro Crisologo Best in Oral Research Paper Presentation Award - National Multidisciplinary Research Conference 2013 (Paper: Butterflies and the Changing Climate! Range Distribution and Seasonal Occurrences of Butterflies in Bagtingon Ecological Zone, Marinduque, Philippines)
20 October 2011--Best Paper- 15th Philippine Association of Agri-Vironment Educators & Entrepreneurs (PASSAGE) Biennial Conference (Paper: From eerie worms into flying gems: Butterfly Conservation, Farming and Marketing for a Sustainable Livelihood in Marinduque)
1-3 April 2009--Best Poster Paper--1st Annual International Research Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities, Bangkok, ThailandMahidol University (Paper: Eerie worms, flying gems! Lessons from the Actors in Harmonising Nature, Culture & Economics for a Sustainable Butterfly Livelihood in Rural Philippines)
7 May 2008--Best Paper- 1st International Research Conference on Environmental on Indigenous People and Traditional Knowledge. (Paper: Surviving with the potion: The Ethnobotanicals of Tawak, A Traditional Cure for Snakebite)
15 August 2002 First PlacerResearch Category in STARRDEC-PCARRD 15th Symposium and R&D Highlights Presentation (Paper title: Promising Pharmavegetables of Marinduque)
Posted in Websites:
24 August 2000 Second PlacerResearch Category in STARRDEC-PCARRD 13th Symposium and R&D Highlights Presentation (Paper title: Status, Problems & Prospects of Butterfly Livelihood in Marinduque)
Posted in Websites:
D. Research Papers Presented in Conferences
International Conferences where papers were accepted and posted in the website
15-18 July 2008 Paper: Surviving with the Potion: The Ethnobotanicals ofTawak, A Traditional Cure for Snakebite in Rural Philippines (Paper ID: H08PO612). 6th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities
22-25 July 2008 Paper: Dishes from the wild! ThePharmavegetables of Island Province of Marinduque, Philippines (Paper ID: I08PO829). 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
5-8 August 2008 Paper: Metamorphosis of change for rural development:
Learning from the Actors the Sustainable Way of Farming Butterflies in Rural Philippines (Paper ID: M08PO508)
8th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture & Change
5-7 January 2009 Paper: Natures health is our wealth! Farmers Endogenous Knowledge & Practices for a Sustainable Butterfly Livelihood in Rural Philippines (ID: S09PO612). 5th International Conference on Environment, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
5-7 January 2009 Co-Authored Paper: Minding natures call! Local Phenology Rural Folks Farming Practices (ID: S09PO290). 5th International Conference on Environment, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
2009 July 17-18. Farming the flying gems for rural livelihood and the environment! Butterflies: Their Uses, Conservation and Protection of Habitat-2nd Philippine. International Flora & Fauna Garden Expo Conference. World Trade Centre, Manila, Philippines.
2009 May 4-6 . Butterflies and the changing environment! Range Distribution and Seasonal Occurrences of Butterflies in Bagtingon Ecological Zone in
Marinduque2nd International Conference of EENP on Environmental Education for Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation. Silliman University,
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
2008 May 5-7. Surviving with the potion! The Ethnobotanicals of Tawak, a Traditional Cure for Snakebite-International Research Conference on Environmental Education, Banaue Hotel, Banaue, Ifugao
2008 May 5-7. SNM in the Philippines? A Case Study of the Ifugaos Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) as a Form of Westerns Strategic Niche Management (co-author)-- International Research Conference on Environmental Education, Banaue Hotel, Banaue, Ifugao
2008 Feb 27-29. The Rhopalocera (Butterflies) of Marinduque. International Research Conference, WVSU, La Paz, Iloilo City
Posted: MATH AND TECH.pdf
2008 Feb 27-29. Of economy and tragedy! The Social History of Mining in Marinduque--International Research Conference, WVSU, La Paz, Iloilo City
2007 Oct 24-27. Farmers Endogenous Knowledge & Practices for a Sustainable Butterfly LivelihoodInternational Conference on Research in Higher Education Institutions, CHED, Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City
2007 Apr 13-15. Farmers Endogenous Knowledge & Practices for a
Sustainable Butterfly LivelihoodInternational Conference on Research, Hotel Supreme, Baguio City, CLSU Graduate School
2006 Jun 18-23. Knowledge, Values and Social Relations Between the Exploited Poor and the Exploiting Elites: The Case of Butterfly Livelihood in Rural Philippines"FORD International Fellowships Prog. on Leadership for Social Justice (LSJ 12), Catholic New York University of America, Washington DC
2005 Jun 20-24. "Learning from the Actors in Addressing Poverty and Metamorphosis of Change: The Case of Butterfly Livelihood in Rural Philippines"FORD International Fellowships Prog.,Leadership for Social Justice (LSJ 9), ISS, The Hague, The Netherlands.
2. Regional/National
2002 Aug. 8. The Promising Pharmavegetables of Marinduque. 15th STARRDEC R&D Highlights, Cavite State University (Awarded Best Paper for Information Dissemination Category). Posted:
2001 Aug. 17. Physico-Chemical Indexing of Clay Resources of Marinduque for Ceramics Production14th STARRDEC R&D Highlights, Batangas State University
2001 Aug. 23-24. SWOT Analysis of the Island Province of Marinduque for Quality Manpower Needs in the Region & the Country: A Response to the Demand of the Knowledge-Based Economy3rd Annual Executive Conference of AHEIR, Days Hotel, Tagaytay City
2000 Aug. 24. Status, Problems and Prospects of Butterfly Livelihood in Marinduque13th STARRDEC R&D Highlights, Marinduque State College (Awarded as 2nd Best Paper for Information Dissemination Category)
1999 Jan. 30 The Rhopalocera (Butterflies) of Marinduque and Its NRCP & UPLB
Related LivelihoodSeminar on Sustainable Use of Philippine
Butterflies, Blue Sea Resort, Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque.
E. Published Papers
Labay, P. (2008). The Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Marinduque (updated) (Abstract, p. 95). In West Visayas State University International Research Conference, Theme: Research, a response to the challenges of globalization. 27-29 February, 2008, Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Labay, P. (2007). Farmers endogenous knowledge and practices for a sustainable butterfly livelihood (Abstract, p. 25). In Commission on Higher Education International Conference on Research in Higher Education Institutions, Theme: The vital role of higher education research towards sustainable development, 24-27 October 2007, Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines.
Labay, P. (2005). A review on the study of semiprecious stones in Sitio Bilaran, Mogpog, Marinduque. The Marinduque Journal of Research & Innovation, 5(2): 1-6. (ISSN 1655-5007).
Labay, P. (2005). They started it all! Farmers indigenously developed butterfly farming and breeding technologies. The Marinduque journal of Research & Innovation, 5(2): 16-21.
Labay, P. (2005). Taxonomic classification of lycaenids (Rhopalocera) of Marinduque and their larval host plants and host ants. The Marinduque Journal of Research & Innovation, 4(1): 4-10.
Labay, P. (2005). Fishing for answers! Rapid rural appraisal of the fishing resources of Hakupan Island, Botilao, Sta. Cruz, Marinduque, 4(1): 17-20.
Labay, P. (2004). Ethnobotany and phytochemistry of wild plants that are both used as vegetables and medicines in the hinterlands of Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 3(2): 1-5.
Labay, P. (2004). Nature, butterflies and conservation: The knowledge interface of ethnobotany and butterfly farming in Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 3(2): 6-13.
Labay, P. (2004). New list of butterfly host plants for parks and gardens. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 3(1): 9-12.
Labay, P. (2003). The promising pharmavegetables of Marinduque. In STARRDEC-PCARRD R&D Highlights. Retrieved on 31 August 2003 in
Abstract was posted in the International Plant Genetic Resources Institutes (IPGRI) Medicinal Plants Research in Asia Vol. 1. The Framework & Project Workplans (p. 156)
Labay, P. & Ombao, H. (2003). Status, problems and prospects of butterfly industry in Marinduque. In STARRDEC-PCARRD R&D Highlights. Retrieved on 31 August 2003 in
Labay, P. (2001). Ano ang seramiks? The Frontiers. April-June, 2001 pp. 5-6 (ISSN 1655-499X).
Labay, P. (1999-2000). Ang kasaysayang heyolohikal ng isla ng Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(2): 1-11.
Labay, P. (1999-2000). The emergence and diffusion of butterfly farming technology in Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(2):20-23.
Ombao, H. C. & Labay, P. (1999-2000). Colour preference of butterflies in the wild. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(2):24-28.
Labay, P.; Malangis, M. & Sager, M. (1999-2000). Taxo-phytochemical studies of the plants use in the preparation of tawak. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(2):32-36.
Labay, P. & Ombao, H. C. (1999-2000). The status of seven butterfly species in Mt. Natilus, Balagbag Mountain Range, Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(1):1-6.
Labay, P. (1999-2000). Life cycle of common butterflies of Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 2(1):7-10.
Carandang, L. & Labay, P. (1996-1998). Status, problems and prospects of ceramics livelihood in Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 1(1-2):1-6.
Labay, P. (1996-1998). Status and problems of buntal loom weaving in Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 1(1-2):7-10.
Labay, P. & Ombao, H. (1996-1998). Survey of the Rhopalocera (butterflies) of Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 1(1-2):11-15.
Labay, P. & Ombao, H. (1996-1998). The larval-host plants of Rhopalocera of Marinduque. The Marinduque State College Journal of Research & Innovation, 1(1-2):16-19.
F. Commissioned Research Work
Labay, P.M. & Zulueta, D.P. (2013). "Needs and Design Assessments of the Rice Production and Marketing Project of LIWANAG NG NAPO MULTI-SECTORAL PEOPLES ORGANIZATION (LINAMPO) in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque.
Commissioned by Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
Labay, P.M. (2013). Butterflies and the changing climate!
Range Distribution and seasonal Occurrences of Butterflies in Bagtingon Ecological Zone, Buenavista, Marinduque, Philippines
Commissioned by Marinduque Council for Environmental Concerns
Labay, P.M. & Andam, C.J. (2010). Arrowroot Farming and Processing in Marinduque. Commissioned by Department of Science & Technology (IV-B)
Labay, P. M. & Ayala, Randy O. (2005 Feb., 2006). Touching the hearts of the marginalized fisherfolks! The case of PRRMs Coastal Resource Management Program in Marinduque. Marinduque: Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement.
Commissioned by Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement.
Labay, P. M. & Ayala, Randy O. (2005 Feb., 2006). Food in their platters, money in their pockets! The case of PRRMs Sustainable Agriculture & Local Economic Development (SLED) Projects in Marinduque. Marinduque: Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement.
Commissioned by Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement.
Labay, P. M. (April 2000). Butterfly business in Marinduque: Its status, problems & prospects. Marinduque: Dept. of Trade & Industry.
Commissioned by Dept. of Trade & Industry-Marinduque Entrepreneurial Advisory Services.
Labay, P. M. (1999). Ceramics livelihood in Marinduque: A situationer. Marinduque: Dept. of Trade & Industry.
Commissioned by Dept. of Trade & Industry-Marinduque Entrepreneurial Advisory Services.
Labay, P. M. (1999 April). Unraveling the fibers of buntal loom weaving in Marinduque. Marinduque: Dept. of Trade & Industry.
Commissioned by Dept. of Trade & Industry-Marinduque Entrepreneurial Advisory Services.
Labay, P. M. (2000 January). The Pera sa Paru-Paro (Money from butterflies) Community-based Training & Enterprise Development (CBTED) Project for Marinduque. Marinduque: Technical Education & Skills Development Authority.
Commissioned by Technical Education & Development Authority.
Labay, P. M. (2001 January). The participatory rural appraisals (PRAs) of the six-agroecological communities of Plan International Marinduque for Sustainable Agriculture Programs. Marinduque: Plan international.
Commissioned by Plan International Marinduque.
G. Instructional Materials / Workbooks / Manuals Made
29 October 1993 Chemistry for Technology (Simplified Manual for College students) School of Education and School of Technology
8 June 1994 Simplified Physical Chemistry (College Manual for Chemistry Majoring Education Students) School of Education and School of Arts & Sciences
3 May 1995 Simplified Chemistry Laboratory Manual School of Arts & Sciences
13 June 1995 Chemistry of the Environment (A College Manual) School of Education & School of Arts & Sciences
15 July 2000 College Guidebook for Research & Project Proposals Making Research Services Unit
24 July 2000 Modules in Making Research Paper School of Education and also use by the teachers of the province that attended the Dept. of Sci. & Tech. funded Seminar-Workshop in Research
H. Proposals Made and Funded
1994-1995 Marinduque Butterfly Research & Livelihood-Related Training Program (A continuing program of the College for farmers, out-of-school youths, rural mothers and displaced workers) Countryside Development Fund of Sen. Raul S. Roco
1995-1996 Needlecraft (Intended for rural mothers, out-of-school youths and displaced workers) TESDA-IV
1995-1996 Establishment of Ceramics Laboratory (with equipment given by DoST-IV) Dept. of Science & Technology-IV
1995-1997 Skills Training in CeramicsGATT-WTO Safety Measures Program (A continuing program for displaced workers, rural mothers, out-of-school youths and farmers) Dept. of Labor & Employment-IV---equipment were also turned over by DoLE
1997 1998 Laboratory Equipment for Environmental Monitoring Program (This program was approved in relation to the monitoring of the effects of mine tailings spillage in Boac River) College Grants & Aid Program
1998-1998 Community-Based Training & Enterprise Development (CBTED) Project entitled Pera Sa Paru-Paro (Money From Butterflies) (A continuing project in line with the Butterfly Research & Livelihood Program which deals on butterfly products processing & packaging) Technical Education & Skills Development Authority (TESDA)World Bank
2005-2005 Pangkabuhayang Mula sa Paru-Paro
(Livelihood from ButterfliesDevelopment of Butterfly Products for Community-Based Livelihood) Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) (Made & approved upon my return from my study abroad)
H. Current Membership in Professional Organizations
2007- to present Marinduque Council for Environmental Concerns Honorary member
2005- to present Wageningen UR Alumni Association member
2005- to present FORD International Fellow Association of the Phil. member
2000- to present Philippine Asso. of Butterfly Enthusiasts secretary
1998- to present Philippine Association of Research Managers (PhilARM) member
1994- to present Organic Chemistry Teachers Association member
1993- to present Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers member
I. Hobbies
Orienteering, indigenous wine making, bonsai making, flora collecting and pressing, wood carving, ceramics making, rock collecting and abstract painting (different media)
J. References
Name Address Position
Prof. Dr. Leontine Visser Department of Rural Development Sociology, Wageningen University & Research Centre, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, The Netherlands
Fax no. +31 317 482842
Email: Department Chair, (My professor in some of the major courses & my research supervisor)
Ms. Maria Luisa Fernan FORD Foundation-International Fellowships Program, Philippine Social Science Centre, Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, 1101 Quezon City, The Philippines
Work tel. no. (632) 922-9630
Email: Program Director for the Philippines
Mrs. Cresilda F. Doble FORD Foundation-International Fellowships Program, Philippine Social Science Centre, Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, 1101 Quezon City, The Philippines
Work tel. no. (632) 922-9630
Email: Project Officer for the Philippines
Dr. Carlos J. Andam Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension & Linkages, Marinduque State College, Tanza, Boac 4900, Marinduque, Philippines
Work tel. no. (042) 332-20-28
Dr. Anacleto Titos Quebuyen Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines (UPD), Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines My professor in Environmental Chemistry
Dr. Jane C. Reyes Southern Tagalog Agricultural Resources Research & Development Consortium, UPLB-DA-BAR Network Building, UPLos Baños Campus, College, Laguna, Philippines My professor in R&D Management |
Chemistry, Design and Technology, General Science, Sociology, OTHER ACADEMIC, English (EFL), Drawing, Painting, OTHER ARTS / CREATIVE |
References, Can Travel, Can Tutor Online |
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