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Noname Noname

Name: Noname Noname
Location: Brampton
Canada L6T 4R1
Contact: can contact me at 4169045529

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Additional Info: I have more than 5 years of teaching experience in Mathematics to Grade 9-12 students, IB students, . I teach one-to-one and in batches depending on students choice.
My goal is always to provide good educational care and to improve their marks. I enjoy teaching using helpful techniques like simple studying tips, preparing and writing quizzes, tests and exams, helping them to do good Maths projects, etc. Therefore, if your child or you yourself need any type of help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Fees: 20$/hour one-to-one
50$/hour - for batch of 4 students
Subjects: Chemistry, Maths, Hindi
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