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Martin Norling

Name: Martin Norling
Photo - Martin Norling
United States 08873
Contact: Hello tutor,

I am Mr Martin Norling, I got your email while surfing on http://mytutorlist.com for the service of a private tutor for my daughter. I want a private lessons for her (Rosemary). She's 15year old, she is willing and ready to learn. I will like to know if you will be available in rendering the tutoring service this month. I think 2hours a week, for 2Months will be alright.

Please let me know little things about you:
Your name,
Your location/Zip Code.
Years of experience,
Present tutor,
Area of Specialization,
Your charges per hour $.

Best Regards!

Send Martin Norling a message
Additional Info: Hello tutor,

I am Mr Martin Norling, I got your email while surfing on http://mytutorlist.com for the service of a private tutor for my daughter. I want a private lessons for her (Rosemary). She's 15year old, she is willing and ready to learn. I will like to know if you will be available in rendering the tutoring service this month. I think 2hours a week, for 2Months will be alright.

Please let me know little things about you:
Your name,
Your location/Zip Code.
Years of experience,
Present tutor,
Area of Specialization,
Your charges per hour $.

Best Regards!
Fees: $ 800.00 Dollars Per Hour
Hello tutor,

I am Mr Martin Norling, I got your email while surfing on http://mytutorlist.com for the service of a private tutor for my daughter. I want a private lessons for her (Rosemary). She's 15year old, she is willing and ready to learn. I will like to know if you will be available in rendering the tutoring service this month. I think 2hours a week, for 2Months will be alright.

Please let me know little things about you:
Your name,
Your location/Zip Code.
Years of experience,
Present tutor,
Area of Specialization,
Your charges per hour $.

Best Regards!
Subjects: Biology, Computing, Chemistry, Economics, English, Essay Writing, Geography, History, Maths, Music, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, OTHER ACADEMIC, English (EFL), Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Acting, Dancing
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