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Location: ADELAIDE
Australia 5074
Contact: Enquiries can be made via my mobile on 0414064756. Interested parties will be invited to a free no obligation consultation in my office located in one of Adelaide's eastern suburbs.

Send LUCY CENTOFANTI a message
Additional Info: I have been a teacher for over 30 years working for both the government and private school system and couldn't think of a better profession! My career has enabled me to engage with students from years R-7 as a classroom teacher, LOTE (Italian) teacher, ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher and as a Literacy and Numeracy tutor working for SPELD (Specific Learning Difficulties) Association and for myself in private practice. Currently employed and teaching part-time I am also involved with implementing intervention programmes specifically targetting those students experiencing subject and learning difficulties. My business "1-2-1 TUTORING" offers one on one OR a buddy class (2 students max.) tutorials that are CLASSROOM LINKED (it is a reasonable expectation that curriculum overview/s are supplied by your child's teacher), FUN, MULTI-SENSORY AND QUANTIFIABLE (progess is detailed) with DESIGNED SUCCESS BUILDING!
Fees: $ 55.00 Australian Dollars Per Hour
In addition to the tutorial fee, all materials and equipment (including assistive technology) required for the student are covered by a one-off payment equivalent to a tutorial session. Paid yearly, the STATIONERY ALLOWANCE covers awards, stationery, photocopying, reading and writing materials and a tutoring case and learning display folder. Any text books purchased on behalf of the student will incur an additional expense.
Subjects: English, Essay Writing, Maths
Additional: CRB / Police Check, References
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