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Leah Jacob

Name: Leah Jacob
Photo - Leah Jacob
Location: Peterborough, Ontario
Canada K9H 3B7
Contact: cell: 705-768-9207

Send Leah Jacob a message
Additional Info: Coordinator of curriculum enhancement projects and programs in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia
Implementing an arts curriculum can also provide a research focus for other subject materials, for example: medieval and other historical periods and events, personal manufacturing and design, career perspectives, self knowledge, social and cultural studies etc.
Teaches reusable skills in presentation, use of materials and tools.
Integrative learning builds flexibility, critical and creative thinking, confidence and cultural perspective that helps to construct a personal sense of place within ones culture.
Able to teach all types of children/ special needs experience in integrative classrooms.
Formal art training: OCAD University,
Background education: Psychology, York University
Therapeutic training ( Dr.Margarate Lowenfeld, sand play)
Dr Rachel Pinney ( creative listening)
Graduate Level History, Concordia University
Formal and informal materials e.g.jewelery making
Fees: Project approach can be individual or group collaboration.
Prices vary, depending on the number of students and duration of project.
Subjects: Art / Design / Craft, Design and Technology, English, Essay Writing, General Studies, History, Psychology, Sociology, English (EFL), Dancing, Drawing, Painting, OTHER ARTS / CREATIVE
Additional: CRB / Police Check, References, Can Travel
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