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Javaid Azim

Name: Javaid Azim
Photo - Javaid Azim
Location: Karachi
Pakistan 75340
Contact: E.mail : javaidazim@hotmail.com
Skype: javaidazim
Cell Phone: +92-345-2469203.

Send Javaid Azim a message
Additional Info: " CURRICULUM VITAE "


S i r ,
I am an experienced,native Urdu Language Teacher,belong to the historical city of Lucknow (UP India) the birth place of Urdu Language. I have completed Bachelor of Science with Advanced Urdu,from Karachi University also obtained a Diploma
in Professional Teaching . I am working as a senior Urdu Language Teacher in a reputed Secondary School from about seven years.
I am conducting one to one Urdu and group Language Classes on Skype since last four years. I have been to Peoples Republic of China, to conduct Language Classes, specially for the Radio Beijing Announcers & News Readers.
I am very comfortable on Skype, while taking classes, along with my students. Specially for "Conversation & Writing Practice" with the aid of Webcam & white board.
I have also prepared my own Lessons, to enable students a very easy & interesting learning.
I ashore you for my reliable performance and time commitment.
Please contact me for holding a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on Skype, so that you may asses
how much my Lessons & Classes are helpful.

Certainly ! I am the right person / tutor to conduct Urdu Language Classes of all levels , on account of following reasons:
1. I am a purely native Urdu Language Tutor, belonging to the city of Lucknow (UP,India) the real birth place of "Urdu".
2. I have completed Bachelor of Science in Urdu language, with elective Subject of "Advanced Urdu", from Karachi,University.
3. I have completed a Diploma in Urdu language" professional teaching".
4. I have been to Peoples Republic of China to teach, Urdu pronunciation & to bring language practice, to the Urdu department announcers & News readers.
5. Presently working as a Urdu Language teacher in a reputed Secondary School for last seven years.

7. I have very successfully taught, Urdu language Students, from U.K, England, Australia , Canada & USA.
8. Please read my "students feed-back" on this link

1. Urdu Reading. 2.Urdu Writing 3. Urdu Speaking / Conversation.
4. Urdu Prose & Poetry , detailed explanation.

I am a virtual (On-Line) tutor, this medium is an excellent Link for Learning ( Reading, Writing & Conversation ) with the very effective way of White Board & Web:Cam. To asses how much my Language Classes are supportive & useful for you, you may ask me for holding a
"FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS " at your convenience.
Thanking you,
Sincere Regards,
Javaid Azim ( Urdu Language Tutor)
Javaid Azim , E.mail: javaidazim@hotmail.com
Skype : javaidazim
CELL : +92-345-2469203
Fees: My tutoring Fees is very nominal , I just Charge $ 6.00 for a complete Class of One hour & 15minutes.
Subjects: English, Religious Studies, Urdu
Additional: Can Tutor Online
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