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Fazidah Razis

Name: Fazidah Razis
Photo - Fazidah Razis
Location: Singapore
Singapore 520346
Contact: Send Fazidah Razis a message
Additional Info: I am passionate and dedicated to teaching because I enjoy helping children excel not just academically but holistically I am patient and I get satisfaction when i see my students understand and am able to grasp my teaching well. I have been tutoring Primary1-5 students part-time for the past 5-6 years. My personal interests include reading and this is something that I have always tried to inculcate to my students. The love for reading will encourage them to be more knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the things that go on in this world. , I believe teaching student topics ahead of their school curriculum. This will give them a headstart than their peers. At the end of each lesson, I would always give them homework to ensure that they have understood what I had taught. Once they have a good grasp, only then I would move on to the next topic. My friendly approach will put them at ease when the need to ask question arises. Each time a student does well, I will not hesitate to give them rewards, as I believe this will encourage and motivate them to do even better. Furthermore, teaching is my passion. I do not tutor for the sake of tutoring. Parent’s requirement and needs are also taken in consideration as they too play a part in helping the students to improve. I value feedback and will try to improve my teaching techniques should there be any request.
Fees: S$ 18.00 Singapore Dollars Per Hour
Subjects: English, General Science, Maths, Malay
Additional: Can Travel, Can Tutor Online
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