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Cynthia Feliz

Name: Cynthia Feliz
Photo - Cynthia Feliz
Location: Charlotte
United States 28212
Contact: cruales@hotmail.com
704-756-4374 cell phone, (Text is preferred, thanks)

Send Cynthia Feliz a message
Additional Info: I have been teaching for over 12 years. I began teaching English to 5 and 8 year old children in a well-recognized school in Ecuador (my country of origin). Following that I tutored several kids with A.D.D or dyslexia experiencing big successes for the children academically. I have also provided childcare and taught Sunday school to big groups (25 students) for many years. I have letters of recommendation to support my background. I indeed love teaching and working with people, most of all kids and teens.

English Tutoring
Spanish Tutoring
Résumés & Cover Letters
Business Letters & Formal Correspondence
Event Programs & Invitations
Homework & Application Essays
Fees: $ 20.00 Dollars Per Hour
Babysit during the day at my home $20 per hour
Babysit during the day at your home $25 per hour
Babysit during night time after 7 pm at my home $30 per hour
Teach spanish or english one person/kid $40 per hour (negotiable)
Teach spanish or english to two or more $35 per hour
Tutor one person/kid $35 per hour (help understand what they have learned better)
Tutor 2 or more $30 per hour p/p
Homework check $30 Correct errors on homework assignments such as worksheets, textbook exercises, and short writing assignments (200 words or less)
Translate Spanish —> English: $0.08/word
Translate English —> Spanish: $0.10/word
* 1-hour minimum billing charge for all hourly rates. I require this up-front.
** $10 minimum charge for all translation work. I require this up-front.
Subjects: English, Religious Studies, OTHER ACADEMIC, English (EFL), Spanish
Additional: CRB / Police Check, References, Can Travel, Can Tutor Online
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