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Cindy Surinder Jhooty

Name: Cindy Surinder Jhooty
Photo - Cindy Surinder Jhooty
Location: Vancouver
Canada V6H 1R5
Contact: Kindly contact me by email at the beginning.
cindyjhooty@yahoo.ca OR text me at 604-562-0456 in Vancouver.

Send Cindy Surinder Jhooty a message
Additional Info: Certified ESL tutor/teacher will coach in "good English conversation ". Emphasis is placed on everyday spoken English with the goal of fluency in mind.
I will answer specific questions related to your field of interest , work, and/or anything related to your school. I can assist in grammar if needed. There will be many questions, answers and opinions as part of the process in your quest for good English. Aids such as magazines and articles which will be up for discussion. We will meet face to face in a coffee shop an no online. ( Vancouver BC is my preferred location)
Fees: $ 25.00 Canadian Dollars Per Hour
I prefer to work from 1 hour up to 2 hours at a time. We can work daily , twice a week or 3 times a week until you reach your goal in English. Or once a week is fine. I am flexible.
Subjects: English
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