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Christian Noell

Name: Christian Noell
Photo - Christian Noell
Location: Copenhagen
Denmark 2630
Contact: Skype: OmTatSat1234

Send Christian Noell a message
Additional Info: LIFE: 25 years of experience in academic and practical Business/Management Research in various industries, systems administration & development, development studies and politics

EXPERIENCE: World wide (USA & Canada, Australia & New Zealand, Africa, Europe, Scandinavia) research, teaching, reserach & consulting experience

QUALIFICATIONS: Professor of Applied Business Economics, Dr.habil. of Applied Business Economic, Dr. of Applied Business Economics, Master of Science, Bachelor of Science

Extended experience in teaching, professional writing, professional presentations, supervision, research, research planning, on bachelor-, masters-, phD-, and PostDoc-level
Fees: Tutor fees are subject to mutual agreement under the given circumstances.
Subjects: Business Studies, Business Studies, Computing, Economics, English, Essay Writing, Maths, Media, Politics, Sociology, Statistics, OTHER ACADEMIC, Danish, English (EFL), German
Additional: References, Can Travel, Can Tutor Online
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