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Ariela Rozner

Name: Ariela Rozner
Photo - Ariela Rozner
Location: North York
Canada M2R 2W6
Contact: 416.559.4999

Send Ariela Rozner a message
Additional Info: People don’t all learn at the same rate or the same way.
Attention span varies. If the material isn’t interesting or isn’t being presented in a way that is effective for you, the issue is not a personal one by any means.
We each have different strengths and interests. School curriculum does not change per student. Curriculum presentation, however, can and must change if a student is going to learn all that he can. It is the responsibility of both teacher and student to ensure that all that is presented is taken in and understood.

Mathematics, K-12, University Calculus (taught in English or French)

English, K-12 (Reading, comprehension, Grammar, writing)

ESL, elementary, Adult (Reading, comprehension, Grammar, writing, Conversation, Comparative stylistics, enunciation, pronunciation, Linguistic comparative exercises)

FSL (Reading, comprehension, Grammar, writing, Conversation, enunciation, pronunciation, Linguistic comparative exercises)

Computer Software (MS Word. MS Exchange/Outlook, Contact Management Software, Pagemaker, Ventura Publisher

Online Instruction (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Subjects: Business Studies, Computing, English, Essay Writing, General Studies, Maths, Media, English (EFL), French, Spanish
Additional: CRB / Police Check, References, Can Travel, Can Tutor Online
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