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Albert Raminfard

Name: Albert Raminfard
Photo - Albert Raminfard
Location: Oyster Bay
United States 11791
Contact: (631) 291-1621

Send Albert Raminfard a message
Additional Info: My goal as a tutor is to distinctly help students understand material based upon what motivates them and their optimal learning style, so that they are learning and having fun doing it. I focus on finding weaknesses in their learning/study habits and changing them for improvement. As a younger tutor, I use my age to my advantage to relate to the student and have them remain in a more comfortable state of mind and have a good relationship with me. I have reviewed and taught a broad range of subjects including Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Pre Calculus, U.S. History, World History, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills, SAT Prep and ACT Prep. I have also worked with students with learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD. I am very confident in my skills as I have has proven results and to tend to raise students grade by about a full letter grade on average (C to a B for example). I am flexible with hours and try my best to make my clients happy and satisfied with my service.
Fees: $ 50.00 Dollars Per Hour
These rates are flexible.
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, English, Essay Writing, General Science, History, Maths, Psychology, Farsi
Additional: References, Can Tutor Online
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